Published Work
Leveraging ChatGPT for rapid qualitative analysis of LGBTQ+ patient feedback
Stage, M. A., Creamer, M., & Ruben, M. A. (2025). “Having providers who are trained and have empathy is life-saving”: Improving primary care communication through thematic analysis with ChatGPT and human expertise. PEC Innovation, 100371.
Nonverbal expressions of shame predict suicidal ideation in LGBTQ+ rural adults
Ruben, M. A., Stage, M., Batchelder, A. W., Gilbert, C., Shipherd, J. C., Livingston, N. A., Weaver, A. E., & Berke, D. S. (in press). Nonverbal expressions of shame among rurally-situated, but not urban situated, LGBTQ adults predict suicidal ideation. PLOS Mental Health.
Affirming LGBTQ+ cues facilitate sexual orientation and gender identity disclosure
Stage, M. A., & Ruben, M. A. (in press). From cueless to cue-full: Understanding health care cues’ impact on sexual orientation and gender identity disclosure. Translational Issues in Psychological Science.
Women's fatigue underestimated compared to men's fatigue
Stosic, M. D., Flynn-Evans, E. E., Duenas, J., & Ruben, M. A. (2024). Gender bias in the perception of others’ fatigue: Women report more fatigue than men but have their fatigue underestimated by others. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 90(11), 1599-1615.
Commentary on Protecting Privacy with Video Data
Ruben, M. A., & Stosic, M. D. (2024). Preserving privacy in the era of openness: Commentary on open science requirements for identifiable data in psychological science journals. American Psychologist. Advance online publication.